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Front page of a white paper called The Future of Museums with an image of a woman sitting in front of the Museum of the Home.

The Wright & Wright Future of Museums publication shares insights from our July 2024 colloquium at the Museum of the Home, where cultural leaders explored the challenges and opportunities facing museums. Featuring contributions from key voices in the sector, it covers topics such as cultural care, digitisation, AI, and the evolving role of museums as community-focused spaces, offering a resource for those interested in the future of cultural institutions.

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future of museums spread of pallant house gallery

Curating a model art gallery by Simon Martin

future of museum spread of the masai

Towards a future where cultural care prevails by Professor Dr Laura van Broekhoven


Editing and Critique

Catherine Slessor & Naila Yousuf

Graphic Design

Simon Esterton & Holly Catford

Additional input and creativity of Sandy Wright, Stephen Smith, Colleen Ritzau Leth, Helen Hancock, Aishwarya Vipin, Rob Neal, Ronan Morris and Joshua Blandford.

Cathedral thinking (Clare Wright)

Towards a future where cultural care prevails (Professor Laura van Broekhoven)

Real rooms: creating home in museum settings (Sonia Solicari)

Banish the dusty vaults! (Dr Juliette Fritsch)

Curating a model art gallery (Simon Martin)

Beyond the building: public realm as amenity space (Naila Yousuf)

Audiences and workforces (Bernard Hay)

The future of funding (Leslie Ramos)

Creativity in the AI era (Suhair Khan)

Context and continuum: the social art of architecture (Catherine Slessor)

The Future of Museums 23.07.24

Contributor biographies

Acknowledgements and image credits

Future of Museums White Paper front page in landscape form

The Future of Museums white paper