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DETAIL 6.2024
Climate and Resources

This article explores building sustainability, focusing on reducing carbon emissions. Reusing existing structures and minimising embodied energy are key strategies. Efficient resource use and reduced energy consumption are also crucial for long-lasting buildings. The featured projects showcase diverse approaches to decarbonisation. This issue includes urban timber buildings, adaptive reuse projects, a concrete building, and a vacation home – all aiming for sustainability.

Climate Change: What Everyone Needs to Know
Joseph Romm

"Climate Change: What Everyone Needs to Know" by Joseph Romm cuts through the confusion, explaining the science behind our warming planet. It explores the potential consequences of climate change, from rising seas to extreme weather, and dives into solutions like clean energy and carbon capture. By addressing common myths and examining international efforts, Romm empowers readers to understand this critical issue.

Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things
Michael Braungart & William McDonough

The book by German chemist Michael Braungart and US architect William McDonough remains highly relevant over 22 years after its initial publication. It promotes a sustainable design philosophy where products are created to be either biodegradable or infinitely recyclable. This "Cradle to Cradle" approach contrasts with the traditional "cradle to grave" model, aiming for zero waste. The book emphasizes the use of safe materials, renewable energy, and eco-effective solutions that create positive environmental impacts, encouraging a circular economy where waste becomes a resource.

Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming
Paul Hawken

“Drawdown" isn't just another climate doom book. Edited by Paul Hawken, it flips the script by outlining existing solutions that can actually reverse global warming. Researchers ranked over 100 approaches, from renewable energy to better farming practices, highlighting their potential to reduce greenhouse gases. The book emphasizes that tackling climate change can be economically beneficial and socially empowering, offering a roadmap for individuals and policymakers to make a real difference.

How to avoid a climate disaster
Bill Gates

In "How to Avoid a Climate Disaster", Bill Gates stresses the need to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 to prevent catastrophic climate change. He highlights key areas for innovation: clean energy, sustainable manufacturing, improved agriculture, electric transportation, and energy-efficient buildings. Gates calls for strong government policies, increased R&D funding, and global cooperation to drive these changes. With focused efforts and technological advancements, he believes we can avert a climate disaster.

Braiding Sweet Grass
Robin Wall Kimmerer

"Braiding Sweetgrass" by Robin Wall Kimmerer, is all about blending indigenous wisdom with scientific insights, explores themes of reciprocity and stewardship. She emphasises the significance of sweetgrass in indigenous cultures and advocates for restoring our connection with nature through gratitude and mindfulness. with a focus on the role of plants and botany in both Native American and Western European traditions. Kimmerer's narrative encourages a holistic approach to environmentalism, viewing the Earth as a teacher and fostering a deeper sense of responsibility towards the natural world.