Home to the Archbishops of Canterbury for 800 years, the buildings of Lambeth Palace are richly resonant with a history of residents, staff and visitors. Over the centuries, the Palace and its occupants have marked momentous events as well as celebrated the routines of daily life, worship, ministry and hospitality. Enacted down the centuries, these activities emphasise the temporal nature of human existence and how the imprint of life is expressed through places and buildings.
The masterplan for the Palace will augment and extend this remarkable continuum through a carefully considered programme of repair and remodelling. It will strengthen and affirm links within the Lambeth Palace community and reframe its relationship with the wider public realm, enabling it to play an even more distinctive role in national religious and cultural life, as part of the Church of England’s long term mission.
The project embraces the Church Commissioners’ commitment for all parts of the Church to work to become carbon net-zero by 2030. Working closely with Arup, the Lambeth Palace Masterplan is structured around a ‘fabric-first’ approach, in which upgrading the historic building fabric is prioritised, reducing the energy required to heat and cool internal spaces.
The creation of a new Energy Centre will enable a move away from current reliance on fossil fuels. Ultimately, the entire Palace will be served by this Energy Centre, augmented by on-site renewables. Increased public access is a further long-term ambition, with works planned to the Great Hall, Guard Room, Chapel and Crypt Chapel to improve access to the Palace’s historic core.
Masterplan Objectives
I. Major renewal of infrastructure and services.
II. Reduce carbon emissions, energy use and improve sustainability on-site.
III. Improve the public realm and site accessibility.
IV. Enhance privacy and security.